Saturday, May 18, 2013

Clothing Advice

Teenage girl shopping for clothingThere can be a great deal of pressure for teens to look good in the right clothing and fit in with everyone else. It may be difficult for some teens to find their own style, particularly when on a budget. As you get into your teens, you might want to assert yourself when it comes to clothing choices, but sometimes parents want to oversee what you wear. The trick here is to show them that you are capable of making sensible choices, whilst at the same time staying trendy and fashionable. It can be difficult to know at first what types and styles of clothing suit you.

It can be difficult to know at first what types and styles of clothing suit you. As your body changes and as you get older, it can be tricky finding clothing that is not too young or too old for you. The joy of shopping, especially with a supportive parent or friend, is that you can try on all sorts of clothing, and get a second opinion regarding fit and style. Don’t wear clothes which are too tight as they only serve to make you look fat. Try on different clothing to find out what flatters your good points and disguises your not-so-good areas of the body. Above all have fun: You have youth and vibrancy on your side and how you dress should reflect this. You can wear mismatching patterns and bold colours and get away with it, especially if you have the personality to match. Teens don’t have to worry about haute couture. You can see what is on trend by looking at magazines, and then enjoy yourself finding affordable alternatives in stores or on the internet.Accessories are an affordable way of jazzing up clothing. You can change an outfit with a trendy belt or bag, or chunky colourful jewellery. Similarly, shoes do not have to be just functional. They can transform and enhance any outfit, from jeans to a posh frock. If you have ever stumbled across Irregular Choice, you will know exactly what I mean. If you want to be fashionable, yet distinctive, you can find shoes which make a statement about you. You are young, unique, fun and gorgeous and your clothing and shoes should say that about you.

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